An anime television series adaptation by Tear Studio has been announced and is scheduled to air in April 8, 2019. It has been serialized in Kodansha’s seinen manga magazine Weekly Young Magazine since 2016, and has been collected in six tankōbon volumes. Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? ( なんでここに先生が!?, “Why The Hell Are You Here, Teacher!?”) is a Japanese manga series by Soborou. Nande Koko ni Sensei ga follows the daily life of Satou and his teacher as they continue to meet under similar conditions, growing ever closer with each encounter. Second year high school student Ichirou Satou has always been an average personthat is, until he runs into some not-so-average situations with his teacher, Kana 'The Demon' Kojima. Follow this erotic love comedy about their mishaps throughout their daily lives and how Ichirou and Kana choose to handle them. The real Uncensored version of Nande Koko ni Sensei ga Included unaired episode 13 bundled with Bluray/DVD release 17-year-old Ichirou Satou is an average teenager who always happens to find himself in perverted situations with his teacher, Kana Kojima. Included unaired episode 13 bundled with Bluray/DVD release!ġ7-year-old Ichirou Satou is an average teenager who always happens to find himself in perverted situations with his teacher, Kana Kojima. Watch Nande Koko ni Sensei ga Episode 13 OVA English Subbed Watch and Stream Hentai Anime Porn Online or download the episodes in. The real Uncensored version of Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?